Our Success Stories

Big Data

Protogen's Big Data covers development hosting, design and productionisation of data warehousing, data lakes integration and advanced analytics and insights.
Featured Successes

Hamilton Island

Protogen was tasked with implementing our complex system management capabilities to manage the back office of the islands hotel management system from a data perspective

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Your School - The Australian + Newscorp Limited

Every year The Australian newspaper publishes an analysis of the ACARA based NAPLAN data, focusing on education outcomes both in print and their associated “YourSchool” website.


Amgen is a global pharmaceutical company focused on bio-pharmaceuticals, with a key focus on DNA driven pharmaceutical solutions. Protogen, working with our partner, extended Amgen Australia's internal performance management solutions.

CBS/ Coles

CBS is a marketing company that specialises in mystery shoppers and surveys. Protogen was tasked by CBS to build a data model to support Coles, K-Mart and Coles Express mystery shopping market research.

The Bastow Institute

Protogen successfully installed the ‘Bastow 307 Online Learning Portal’ for the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership. We developed from prototype, through hosted proof of concept to final production of this Microsoft SharePoint based learning management system – SharePoint LMS.

Magnamail/Penny Miller

Magnamail, Penny Miller is a catalogue selling company established in 2005 and based in New Zealand the company is renowned as a leader in home shopping and personalised catalogue delivery.

Global Trading Strategies (GTS)

Global Trading Strategies were an Investment Management company, founded in Australia, by three former Goldman Sachs JBWere traders.

IMO (Independent Medical Opinions)

Independent Medical Opinions (IMO) needed assistance examining their performance management in the medical legal space.

The Recovre Group

The Recovre Group is a healthcare business that provides workforce and occupational medical services across Australia. The company operates across over 40 sites providing service to over 300 medical and health therapy specialists who operate in a heavily regulated environment.

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