Global Trading Strategies were an Investment Management company, founded in Australia, by three former Goldman Sachs JBWere traders.
Magnamail, Penny Miller is a catalogue selling company established in 2005 and based in New Zealand the company is renowned as a leader in home shopping and personalised catalogue delivery.
Protogen built Mirus Australia's foundation data platform for Medicare data gathering and warehousing. This platform is now being used to optimise Mirus clients' financial and care performance.
Protogen successfully installed the ‘Bastow 307 Online Learning Portal’ for the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership. We developed from prototype, through hosted proof of concept to final production of this Microsoft SharePoint based learning management system – SharePoint LMS.
Fit For Business targeted corporate health, providing advisory services and delivering repetitive health assessments for executives. These advisory services included coaching and nutrition, integrating Herbalife products.